Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dlab Quest For Deeper Meaning In The Creation Of Architecture In Singapore





Designed by Dlab Dlab is the quest for a deeper meaning to the creation of architecture in Singapore. Given the current state of globalization, the production of architecture slowly leaning towards a kind of universal, international ambivalent style fits all. This condition is exacerbated by the current economy and the brands emblematic architecture, a culture that encourages the reported consumption of images and credit galore.

In response to this phenomenon, the architects DLab established to search for the deeper meaning of the creation of architecture, which is more focused on processing a number of new and powerful experiences that relate to their place, time, situation, and not the creation product. DLab projects are interrelated and their architectural expression, but the development of a logical and natural process by which the problems and planning of multi-purpose form factors.

The Process Of The Development Process Building Reveals A New Wing, The Vertical Garden Museum In Paris



The evolutionary process A vessel according to a new wing, a vertical garden for the museum designed by architect Carl Fredrik Svenstedt is in Paris, France. architectural history of the Louvre is marked by a tradition of innovation, now manifests itself in the museum's ambitious renovation in France and abroad. The proposed extension to the Tuileries again embodies the aspirations of a cultural institution with a clear vision of its place in the future.

The new wing extends from the Tuileries gardens, vertical mixing, and the castle park. Current pedestrian bearing shall be wound along the path of rotation of the new pavilion. Open to the public, this route is available, although the galleries are closed. The pavilion offers the added space of the classical and contemporary art collections to expand the opportunities of museum exhibition. The galleries are arranged along the uphill path mirroring the vertical garden and his lookout. Visitors circle between them as a place, a meeting on the roof, with spectacular views of Paris.

Deputy Director Of DP Architects Ltd Disscuses The Concept Of Simplicity In Singapore




Deputy Director of DP Architects Ltd disscuses simplicity of the concept of Singapore that was designed by DP Architects, Inc. Architect Tan Chee Kiang believes that architecture is a complex art, you have to deal with all types of complex such as policy requirements, environmental conditions, contextual responses, regulations and laws. His age is complex, one of the challenges that architecture is to keep things as simple as possible.

But to achieve simplicity, it is not so simple. To simplify, it is necessary to reduce and to do so, you need to know how to reduce. You must know the heart before it can be inferred.

Solutions To Sustainable Housing In Toronto, Canada




Located in Toronto, Canada, sustainable housing solutions designed by Altius Architecture Inc. Cliff House, 360 Winnett and Six Mile Lake Cottage, seen here were all made in 2009. Moving forward with great experience, the company has several other projects on the boards and others are under construction. Altius is dedicated to creating innovative projects with a commitment to sustainability, design, modern, flexible and functional space, while providing the highest level of service.

Altius is a full service architectural and construction management firm at the forefront of environmental initiatives to project the power to make a great focus on sustainability in buildings. Altius proceed towards a comprehensive, exhaustive and collaboration for the construction. The company supports the initiation of the process design team with architects, engineers, consultants, contractors and customers come together to create something greater than the sum of their parts.

Quincy Hotel, Which Embraces The Whole Process Of Construction Of An Integrated Solution For Singapore




Designed by NGOs and NGO Pte Ltd, Hotel Quincy embrace the construction process as a single integrated solution that is based in Singapore. The facade of the building is divided into a grid of windows of four meters long, each featuring a bedroom, which was divided into three sections. Depending on the permutation, the windows can be increased through the three parts or two-thirds is a window with the remaining third as a bay window seat. From the outside, the facade seems to consist of stacked cubes, each cube represents a piece and made a drawing but seemingly random rhythmic and natural.

The interior design is inspired largely by the fashion trend of the apparent simplicity with unexpected details. Meanwhile, the horizontal bands applied in a pattern similar one-third/two-thirds echo the design of the head of the window and give each room a strong visual impact.

Sunscreen ThyssenKrupp Quarter Q1 Building In Cologne, Germany




Sun protection Q1 building, designed by Architects JSWD ThyssenKrupp Quarter is located in Cologne, Germany. The Q1 building is part of the new ThyssenKrupp Quarter in Essen, Germany. A shadow innovative, highly effective sun has been developed for a large part of the facade Q1.

Outside the picture window that defines the character of the solar system Q1 building. Its shading elements that resemble feathers away metal, comprising approximately 3,150 routers vertical rods, double stainless steel shafts, in which around 400,000 vertical fins are screwed stainless steel.

Cambridge Court And Wells, Kilburn, London, United Kingdom




Designed by Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, Cambridge and Wells Court is located in Kilburn, London, United Kingdom. Located in the historic port identified in the full report of the South Kilburn Masterplan, the system will be restored to the urban form and the road network, which characterize the region, before the development of the postwar period - the villas traditional model went off the main road with a mews house behind to restore the course of the nineteenth century, teams Alpha. Running the length of the system and in combination with the development of the path "backbone", consisting of the articular surfaces, playgrounds, gardens and definition of public spaces and private balconies overlooking the gardens.

Orchard Suites SkyPark And Grange Road In Singapore




The SkyPark, Orchard Road and Grange Suites designed by MKPL Architects Pte Ltd is located in MKPL Architects. The solutions tested and listed, are as diverse as the expression of a willingness on the same concern. The projects presented here represent a bold vision but also a basis that transcends the current perception of life skyscrapers tropical, without turning into a fancy architectural design.

This belief is consistent with the physical delivery of the idea - not just an intellectual exercise of theory. The SkyPark demonstrated a bungalow in the sky, emerging from the elevator at the entrance of the apartment is in a garden in the sky. This garden, which measures the size of the apartment offers outdoor recreation, but with a panoramic view over the city. Plant and screens are an architectural framework of this tall building.

State Of The Old Market Square Of Events Throughout The Year Föreslå In Winnipeg, Canada





Old Market Square stage features live entertainment throughout the year in Winnipeg, Canada, was designed by Architecture 5,468,796. In its final representation of the scene is defined as multi-functional movements of a stage with a dynamic ephemeral, bright flag, interactive and a focal point. The outer envelope of the scene is a dynamic membrane composed of diamonds strung extrusions to form a flexible curtain pulls back to reveal the scene and within the structure.

The skin of the back, in turn becomes an undulating roof covered landscape, providing a backdrop for the actions and adjustments to the acoustics of the stage. When closed, the diamond pieces at right angles to capture and refract light or images on their outer surface, creating a single pixel of the array.

Architects Insipration Enota To Observe Nature In Ljubljana, Slovenia






Located in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Architects enota insipration observe nature was designed by enota. Nature has always inspired enota. Therefore, they have always been eager to investigate. Who think if you look closely you can find nature in the many social problems, modes of organization and design that can successfully complete architectural doctrine usually established. In recent years, they have often met the design of buildings in the vicinity where they were largely attempts to establish a connection with nature that surrounds them. When they did, they realized that behind the apparently very complicated, there is often a simple algorithm like in architecture solutions are applicable to the systematic search.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Former Hotel Located In A Historic Building And Architectural Luxury













Luxurious hotel in architecture and is located in a historic building (250 + years) from Valletta, Malta took the main source. Lucia Scotia, part of Valletta Suites project is a hotel that is really special for a very special guest. The appreciation and awareness is needed with a fun and entertaining. A combination of several styles, but still a strong concept. Learn to see the beauty that has a story to tell and enjoy the excitement that had just brought to life. One project examined the cost of the same size and maybe even the small hotel with only two rooms for the night. First of all environmental factors is an existing recycling. In this case, was implemented by an original historic building with 3 levels and roof terrace. The house has a very unique configuration consists of a chamber above the other, connected by a spiral stone staircase great.

Most of all deteriorated structure was abandoned in the way points in time use and importance. There is considerable attention on the structure of the old and new in decor. Even the walls are very few who are treated, they are a way for them to be compatible with existing conditions. hotel philosophy simple and clear, NO bathroom single dose, no large space that is not necessary, even for personal service, YES for environmentally friendly housing.

Upon entering the living room on the first floor and looked around, you want to know and confusing. The furniture is traditional and mod with rococoesque all are united in space time. One might think that the residence was owned by poor families with a rich guy who bombed the FF & E. Dominant emphasis there is a relationship between old and new. Everything has a meaning and symbolism. All accessories and decorative objects were purchased from flea markets to remind those who may be present initially in the interior. Special attention should be paid at each end. Most of all beautiful Terrazzo earth house. A key factor in an atmosphere of space through geometric shapes and the real historical value. A value that also includes the original narrow staircase. Running away from the streets of the old staircase reveals terrace wear. There are no secrets, hidden and not regret that.

In the first completed room can not take my eyes away from the marriage between the wall and the bed. Originally the walls looked like had been treated with special techniques, but a look around you realize that the only progress of work at the time. In a closed room all you need is a bed that invites you into the real surprise is the bathroom black cons acting as an entity separate from everything else. Particular attention should be paid through the glass door to remind you that you travel in this, but there is a great charm of the past. The second bedroom upstairs is currently under construction and is a hidden surprise. But we have inside information that will be composed of dark brown tones of cement Veneziana chosen to be part of the wall, who took the color of a coat of paint was found when scraping the wall. For the rest of the room, exposed limestone of Malta, a rich black marble wainscoting, tile patterned fabrics and textures are being studied.

Comfort Folding Wooden Chair Unique And Colorful Design












This chair is a chair that inspired the colors, it is easy to assemble a large collection of different chairs, all year has been surprising abundance of them in all shapes and sizes. But what fascinated me during my research is a simple question: to what extent are able to dictate the object you create your own design? Is it possible to object to "tell" is most appropriate? And if so, what would be the end result? Following this thought led me to discover some interesting choices to make new types of seats.

On the basis of each seat is a flat surface, you will end up sitting on top. Using this idea of ​​a starting point, I made some cuts on a flat surface and stop the wire-like beam, which differ from the cutting surface. This will create a preliminary, but there are different characteristics of each session: back, seat and legs. Pattern of wooden beams to give the President of organic forms. Surgery is most noticeable when the seat is still low. But the construction phase, I still do not know what the form at the end. This is determined by various beams arch consists of a chair. As the creator, I feel a special relationship with the work material. Stamping to a chair in its final form, it seems, is particularly difficult to define the partnership and the material to me. Chairman of the meeting may be called into account, using different colors. The state's apartment, using a variety of colors can help identify areas in blocks of creating a chair. It may also highlight the contrast between the seat and the top. This can be done by choosing a different color to them.