Thursday, April 28, 2011

Comfort Folding Wooden Chair Unique And Colorful Design












This chair is a chair that inspired the colors, it is easy to assemble a large collection of different chairs, all year has been surprising abundance of them in all shapes and sizes. But what fascinated me during my research is a simple question: to what extent are able to dictate the object you create your own design? Is it possible to object to "tell" is most appropriate? And if so, what would be the end result? Following this thought led me to discover some interesting choices to make new types of seats.

On the basis of each seat is a flat surface, you will end up sitting on top. Using this idea of ​​a starting point, I made some cuts on a flat surface and stop the wire-like beam, which differ from the cutting surface. This will create a preliminary, but there are different characteristics of each session: back, seat and legs. Pattern of wooden beams to give the President of organic forms. Surgery is most noticeable when the seat is still low. But the construction phase, I still do not know what the form at the end. This is determined by various beams arch consists of a chair. As the creator, I feel a special relationship with the work material. Stamping to a chair in its final form, it seems, is particularly difficult to define the partnership and the material to me. Chairman of the meeting may be called into account, using different colors. The state's apartment, using a variety of colors can help identify areas in blocks of creating a chair. It may also highlight the contrast between the seat and the top. This can be done by choosing a different color to them.

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