Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quincy Hotel, Which Embraces The Whole Process Of Construction Of An Integrated Solution For Singapore




Designed by NGOs and NGO Pte Ltd, Hotel Quincy embrace the construction process as a single integrated solution that is based in Singapore. The facade of the building is divided into a grid of windows of four meters long, each featuring a bedroom, which was divided into three sections. Depending on the permutation, the windows can be increased through the three parts or two-thirds is a window with the remaining third as a bay window seat. From the outside, the facade seems to consist of stacked cubes, each cube represents a piece and made a drawing but seemingly random rhythmic and natural.

The interior design is inspired largely by the fashion trend of the apparent simplicity with unexpected details. Meanwhile, the horizontal bands applied in a pattern similar one-third/two-thirds echo the design of the head of the window and give each room a strong visual impact.

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