Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Skeppsholmen Hotel In Stockholm, Sweden

It is located in Stockholm, Sweden, Skeppsholmen hotel designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune. The starting point for the planning process was the "fog" word, which describes the nature and the eternal phenomenon of meditation enchanting beauty inspiration, as well as water-related environmental and oceans Hotel Skeppsholmen past. This idea forward, materials, surfaces, furnishings, lighting, colors, etc., have been selected to create an environment of hotels. Informed choice on a limited palette of gray and very light - in part inspired by the Swedish Gustavian - was chosen to link the hotel and its historical heritage. Yet, all the bathrooms, elevators, furniture, and a series of light installations will very modern. Furniture and lighting was designed largely by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

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